Language Technology
Use Artificial Intelligence and Language Technology to find the answer

Machine learning
We solve analytical and operational issues

Artificial intelligence
Automate your business processes and increase sales

Deep learning
This is how the machines have started to learn like us

In combination with various forms of artificial intelligence and data science it is possible to create major competitive advantages

Language Technology
Use Artificial Intelligence and Language Technology to find the answer

Machine learning
Vi løser analytiske og operasjonelle problemstillinger

Artificial intelligence
Effektiviser forretningsprosessene dine og øk salget

Deep learning
Slik har maskinene begynt å lære som oss

In combination with various forms of artificial intelligence and data science it is possible to create major competitive advantages
From data to action

From data to action
Chronos is an AI company that delivers high-end solutions within artificial intelligence, computer science, language technology and big data.
Our team consists of academics/researchers, consultants and advisers with extensive IT and management experience.
See our events
See our future events
Chronos joins Cluster for Applied AI
Chronos’ team now includes four PhD graduates